After ten years of stability, the Larkspur Bowl is branching out, adding a second four team "B" Division beneath the fourteen team "A" Division. MORE ON THAT IN A BIT!
We're maintaining all aspects of game play (Scoring, Rosters, Schedule, Draft Etc) in the "A" Division, which will feature three newcomers, pictured in lo-res from left to right:

-Nick Lang
-Ryan Mallon
-Steve Rudemyer
Each of the three players will need to name their franchise (Location & Mascot) by Monday August 19th. We will be selecting draft positioning that week, with new managers slotting in before last year's playoff competitors, in the order they joined the league:
- 01. Tom Grimes (New York's Finest)
- 02. Steve Grimes (Savannah Petes)
- 03. Pete Persampieri (HCM City Lead Farmers)
- 04. Ajay Patel (Deputy Van Halens)
- 05. Vince Milillo (Mar-A-Lago Grabbers)
- 06. Kevin Stabe (Philadelphia Rum Ham)
- 07. Steve Rudemyer
- 08. Nick Lang
- 09. Ryan Mallon
- 10. Mark Serokosz (Binghamton Snipers)
- 11. Kevin Grimes (Phoenix Uprising)
- 12. Mike Hart (South Park Cows)
- 13. Pete Allegretta (Pawnee Pride)
- 14. Mike Verrino (Hill Valley McFlys)
I'll be asking each manager for the draft position they prefer, from spot 1 through 14. You can ask for the highest available, or you can strategize to maximize the potency of your serpentine pick, as the draft order reverses every other round.
Traditionally the draft takes place on the Sunday ten days before the Season opens, but getting a late start on things we're going to have to push it back to either Thursday August 29th or Tuesday September 3rd, on either side of the Labor Day Weekend, starting around 7:00pm.
The "B" Division will feature four teams playing under identical settings, but with a much richer player pool. These four teams will compete in a fifteen week regular season, followed by a single championship game, with the victor ascending to the Larkspur Bowl the following season, and claiming the "7" spot on the draft order.
Initial "B" Division participants:
- 01. Marty Sheehy (Manitoba Moosecrew)
- 02. Tom Acquisto (Brew-Tang Killa Beez)
- 03. Stu Ferguson (Toronto Les Tres Petites)
- 04. To Be Announced
In order to make room for the "B" Champion, one team will have to be relegated from the "A" Division to the "B" Division each season. Thus, the 14th place team in the "A" Division will be subject to relegation unless:
- They have won the Larkspur Bowl in one of the previous three seasons, in which case the 13th seed will be relegated instead
- Another team has announced they intend to leave the Larkspur Bowl "A" Division
The "B" Division draft will be scheduled in the NEAR FUTURE!