The Record Book

All Time Highest Single Week Scores (250+)
  1. DVH 305.43 over PRH (X: Wk 4)
  2. BIN 299.91 over SPC (IX: Wk 8)
  3. SAS 299.88 over HCM (VIII: Wk 4)
  4. HVM 283.41 over HCM (XI: Wk 7)
  5. HCM 272.25 over BIN (XI: Wk 5)
  6. MMC 267.83 over PAW (VIII: Wk 16)
  7. DVH 266.50 over PHX (X: Wk 2)
  8. SAV 265.84 over MAL (X: Wk 5)
  9. SPC 264.34 over SAV (X: Wk 10)
  10. NYF 263.83 over BKB (X: Wk 4)
  11. PRH 263.31 lost DVH (X: Wk 4)
  12. SAV 262.92 over HCM (XI: Wk 1)
  13. MAL 262.22 over CRT (XI: Wk 1)
  14. SAV 262.16 over LTP (IX: Wk 12)
  15. SAV 261.92 over MAL (XI: Wk 3)
  16. HVM 261.63 over NYF (X: Wk 11)
  17. HCM 261.56 over NYF (IX: Wk 14)
  18. MMC 259.56 over SPC (X: Wk 5)
  19. OAK 256.33 over LTP (IX: Wk 2)
  20. PRH 256.28 over HVM (X: Wk 6)
  21. HVM 256.20 over HCM (X: Wk 7)
  22. PHX 256.01 over MDB (VIII: Wk 11)
  23. SPC 253.71 over NYF (X: Wk 7)
  24. LTP 253.60 over SPC (VIII: Wk 1)
  25. PHX 253.24 over OTM (VI: Wk 8)
  26. JSC 253.21 over CRT (XI: Wk 3)
  27. LTP 253.18 over ISL (VII: Wk 15)
  28. NYF 250.15 over HCM (X: Wk 12)
Per Season:
Various statistical tweaks and the advent of eight man offenses and defenses have pushed scoring upward year to year, antiquating older scoring records; 200 points was unreachable during the first Larkspur Bowl, but became the mark of greatness. Now 200 points are required to be competitive, as scores push closer and closer to 300. 
(+ denotes team has since moved;)
  • LBI: AGG 171.86 over WIE (Wk 14, 2009)
  • LBII: PHX 211.94 over ATL+ (Wk 11, 2010)
  • LBIII: ORG 227.30 over KGM (Wk 2, 2011)
  • LBIV: ATL+ 235.99 over LTP (Wk 2, 2012)
  • LBV: SCF+ 240.91 over HVM (Wk 5, 2013)
  • LBVI: PHX 253.24 over OTM+ (Wk 8, 2014)
  • LBVII: LTP 253.18 over ISL (Wk 15, 2015)
  • LBVIII: SAS 299.88 over HCM (Wk 4, 2016)
  • IX: BIN 299.91 over SPC (Wk 8, 2017)
  • X: DVH 305.43 over PRH (Wk 4, 2018)
OVERALL STANDINGS by winning % (2007-2018)
TEAM NAME (# of Seasons) W-L Win Pct%
- denotes active team; + denotes team has moved; * denotes team on hiatus; ^ denotes defunct organization;
  1. -Phoenix Uprising (12) 103-54 .656%
  2. -Orgrimmar Horde (6) 49-29 .628%
  3. ^Carolina Carnage (3) 25-15 .625%
  4. ^Alabama Green Gang (3) 25-15 .625%
  5. ^DC Stranglers (1) 8-5 .615%
  6. -Hill Valley McFlys (10) 76-54 .585%
  7. -South Park Cows (5) 38-27 .585%
  8. ^Oklahoma Kalsu-Club (2) 15-11 .577%
  9. ++Deputy Van Halens (7) 52-39 .571%
  10. -New York's Finest (10) 74-56 .569%
  11. -Binghamton Snipers (2) 14-12 .538%
  12. *Revis Islanders (5) 35-30 .538%
  13. -Pawnee Pride (9) 60-57 .513%
  14. ^Wieterville Wieters (2) 13-13 .500%
  15. +Savannah Petes (10) 63-67 .485%
  16. ^Cherry Hill Storm (1) 6-7 .462%
  17. ^Philadelphia Phlac (1) 6-7 .462%
  18. -Manitoba MooseCrew (5) 29-34 .460%
  19. *Toronto Les Tres Petites (6) 35-43 .449%
  20. ++++MarALago Grabbers (9) 51-66 .436%
  21. +HCM City Lead Farmers* (10) 56-74 .431%
  22. ^Teamville Players (1+) 8-11 .421%
  23. ++Philadelphia Rum Ham* (10) 53-77 .408%
  24. ^Vermont Rams (2) 10-16 .385%
  25. ^Nebraska Holy-Warriors (1) 5-8 .385%
  26. ^San Francisco Uglies (1) 5-8 .385%
  27. +Brewtang Killa Beez (6) 26-52 .333%
  28. ^Kentucky Green Machine (1) 4-9 .308%
  29. ^Houston Spoilers (1) 4-9 .308%
  30. ^Flint Aristocrats (1+) 6-14 .300%
  31. ^Rochester Hustlers (2) 7-19 .269 %
  32. ^Seattle Seaslugs (-1) 0-2 .000%
Playoff Standings by total wins (2007-2017)
TEAM NAME  W-L Win Pct% (# of Appearances of Total Seasons){Championships}
- denotes active team; + denotes team has moved; * denotes team on hiatus; ^ denotes defunct organization;
  1. -Phoenix Uprising 19-5 (10 of 11) {LBII, LBIII, LBV, IX Champs}
  2. -Hill Valley McFlys 6-5 (6 of 9) {LBVIII Champs}
  3. -New York's Finest 5-4 (5 of 9) {LBVI Champs}
  4. *Orgrimmar Horde 5-3 (4 of 5) {LBI Champs}
  5. -South Park Cows 3-1 (2 of 4) {LBVII Champs}
  6. -Revis Islanders 3-3 (4 of 5) {LBIV Champs}
  7. ^Oklahoma Kalsu-Club 2-2 (2 of 2)
  8. ^Carolina Carnage 2-2 (2 of 3)
  9. ^Alabama Green Gang 2-2 (2 of 3)
  10. -Pawnee Pride 2-3 (3 of 8)
  11. Manitoba Moosecrew 1-1 (1 of 4)
  12. +Arian Foster Nation 1-1 (1 of 8)
  13. +HCM City Lead Farmers 3-2 (2 of 9)
  14. +Deputy Van Halens 1-4 (4 of 6)
  15. -Toronto Les Tres Petites 1-3 (3 of 6)
  16. +Savannah Petes  2-4 (4 of 9)
  17. -Bingamton Snipers 0-1 (1 of 1)
  18. ^DC Stranglers 0-1 (1 of 1)
  19. ^Wieterville Wieters 0-1 (1 of 2)
  20. +Philadelphia Rum Ham 0-2 (2 of 9)

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