This approach has, by and large, worked. Parity has existed year to year- twelve of our fourteen teams have tasted the playoffs, and the two that have not (Oakwood & Manitoba) are going into their third and second year, respectively. In six years, we've had four different champions- Phoenix (thrice), Orgrimmar, California, and New York- the current structure works! We see diverse contenders from one year to the next, and all fourteen of our teams add value to the league.
Two seasons ago we moved from a 'random order' serpentine draft, to an incentivized serpentine draft. A consolation bracket between non playoff teams kept the stakes high, rewarding teams that played for the endgame by way of victory draft slotting. This system too, has kept the bulk of our franchises in it to win it- either playing for the Larkspur Bowl Championship, or pushing for the top pick in the next season's draft. As such, 2015's draft order and format are already in place, and will not be deviated from: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 5, 6, 3, 4, 2, 1

-2016 Auction Draft
-Six 'Keepers' per team per year
-Draft picks become 'tradeable'
-Return to serpentine draft in 2017
Going into the 2016 season we would switch to an AUCTION style draft, for one year only.
The draft order's incentive system would remain in place, but its effect would be minimized for the year. In this style draft, players are bid on- the draft order involves nominating players (the team that nominates a player will end up with that player, if there are no other bids on him) and each team has a set amount of credits with which to bid- this would give all teams an equal chance to invest in every player, so long as they budget properly.
Blowing your load to secure specific players would give you less credits to spend on the rest of your roster. The draft style forces you to keep at least one credit for each roster spot- the end of an auction draft becomes a draft where teams that have tapped their resources. The draft removes many of the safety nets that a serpentine draft involves, and makes pre-draft strategy and real time prioritizing an exhilarating (and sometimes nerve-racking) exercise that is far less predictable. The auction draft can often find value picks throughout its duration- players nominated early often go for either far above or below market value, while patient teams end up with their pick of the players that remain when the majority of the league has already expended their budget allotment.
An auction draft is a LONG process. With out league, an auction draft could be more than a FOUR HOUR adventure. If we go with this option, all managers will need to be prepared for an evening at their computer screen.* Because the auction will dictate your team's long term fortunes, it will involve a commitment. (Auto drafting an auction draft is highly inadvisable- computer selection is imprecise and the ramifications would be long term.) It would however, cut an hour or so off all subsequent drafts, as the first six rounds would move lighting fast in the future.
The auction draft would avoid an arbitrary draft order determining the long term futures of teams, instead giving every team the ability to secure their future. This is the ONLY option for converting the league to a keeper league.
After the draft, the league would play out as normal- thirteen head to head matchups.
During the season, and especially as the season ended (as teams were eliminated) teams would have the opportunity to pick up players with an eye towards the following season. Injured players and younger players would have roster value.
The playoffs and consolation bracket would continue normally- six playoff teams.
Draft picks would be determined as they have been, and we would return to the serpentine draft.
In anticipation of the next season, each team would select up to SIX keepers.
It would typically be in a team's best interest to use all six selections, unless your roster was incredibly bereft of talent. Your keeper selections would be locked in with your first six picks- wherever they are. Trading your draft picks would be in play (starting in 2017) where trades could involve an even amount of picks- Teams that have fallen out of contention could trade some of their better players to gain higher draft picks, better teams could move their draft picks for added weapons in their championship run. After a team's keeper's were selected with their first six picks, teams would start to draft the players not designated as keepers, to fill out their rosters, via the serpentine draft we have grown accustomed to. This draft would ensure that the parity we value remain a part of the league, giving each team a sporting chance, year in and year out.
Your six keepers would carry over from the previous offseason, through the draft. At that point, they would be the same as regular players: tradeable or droppable. Keeper status only moves players through the off season with their old club; Keepers would be denoted each year in advance of the coming draft, and you would have no loyalty owed, nor status bestowed upon, former keepers.
This new system would allow for carry-over, and draft pick trading, that along with the draft slotting system, makes long term strategy far more applicable. Ultimately: It would reward more thoroughly invested managers, and potentially punish the more casual managers. Therefore, before voting please weigh the pros and cons of this change, and ask any questions that arise BEFORE voting, as this vote will determine the league's future endeavors.
If we do not implement THE KEEPER OPTION for 2016, it can be reviewed and revisited in subsequent off-seasons, but without an unanimous mandate, I will not change the league's format without a year of notice. The vote will be on the facebook group- you can change your vote until a deadline is announced- your votes are NOT locked in as changes are discussed.
*We can organize a live draft party for all interested owner, but the draft will remain computerized unless all fourteen managers can be present. I think that is unlikely, so any live drafting event will involve a bunch of guys sitting together staring at their computers.