What follows is a rundown of the year's blog entries:
- Aug 9 11:18am: Welcome to the 2011 Larkspur Bowl!
(due to whining.)
Here are this year's managers and (current) team names:
Returning Teams: Team Manager (Last Year's Finish)
- The Fighting 54's: Kevin Grimes (1st)
- Los Bastardos: Nick Stano (3rd)
- Lev Grossman: Pete Persampieri (4th)
- Run to the Hillis: Mike Verrino (5th)
- kibbles and vick: Kevin Stabe (6th)
- NY Finest: Tom Grimes (8th)
- Arian Foster Nation: Vincent Milillo (9th)
- Knee Deep: Steve Grimes (11th)
- Pacey Jones Army: Pete Allegretta (13th)
And our new challengers! Make sure to look over our league settings before the draft.
- vehicular stallworth: Shayne Lisa
- Santonio's Stash: Ben Tishelman
- Fighting the 54's: John Vicinanza
- CLAY MATion: Hugo Robinson
- (YET UNNAMED): Steven Perez
And a fond farewell to our departures:
- Team Ugly: Last year you accidentally picked a third string running back in the first round, Mark Sanchez for being the cutest in the second round, and several kickers in a row middraft. I tried to give you a chance to redeem yourself this year in baseball, and you are 70 games out with three weeks left. Weakest Link Jackie.
- edwards: I ran your team last year, and very nearly (and accidentally) made the playoffs with it, despite never using waiver claims and only making essential moves. I love you Kamara, but you are not cut out for the rigors of fantasy football. Cheers!
- Wieterville Wieters: Mears, your draft strategy of picking almost all Ravens almost worked out for you, despite missing out on both Rays. If you had performed a little more roster maintenance, perhaps you could have snuck into the playoffs. But after two years of minimal emotional involvement, it is time to move on. It's not me, it's you.
- STR8HUSTLIN': Marty you are one of my dearest friends, and I will truly miss your draft day enthuthiasm. But in each of the past two years, that was the high point of your season, as you were just too busy to keep up with your team afterwards. Bon voyage amigo!
- Bob Kalsu Fan Club: You don't deserve to leave, as one of the most consistent managers the larspur bowl has known. But you are a stranger, and we felt like going with people we know. Besides, I had to root out my only true competitor. Fare thee well, sir.
- Sep 4 7:26pm: RIVALRY BOWLS
"Politically Incorrect on Ice Bowl"
Arian Nation vs Tigris & Euphrates
-Two rink coworkers battle on Irene-ravaged, power outed, drippity droppity frozen tundra. One wears a white hood, the other a turban. Loser is fired.
"Totally a Gay Porno Bowl"
My Vick in a Box vs Santonio's Stash
-Two Mville alumni battle it out with overtly suggestive team names. Who will come on top? (Loser is bottom.)
"Confused Compass Bowl"
Yo Adrian I Did It! vs LOS BASTARDOS
-It is East Side vs West Side on North Brewster Road in the town of Southeast. Yeah. That is actually an accurate depiction, check Google Maps. Loser has to flash the other side's gang sign... on facebook. OG.
"Plaid Skirt Bowl"
Fighting the 54's vs Kent Green Machine
-Kennedy Catholic apparently has schoolboys, too. And they apparently DON'T wear skirts. WTF? Loser puts on a skirt. No one has to witness this.
"The Peter-Off II Bowl"
Lev Grossman vs Pacey Jones Army
-Preston vs Pacey. Winner gets to reclaim their god-given name, Peter. Loser is stuck with their pseudonym.
"The Jeep (is upside down) Bowl"
kibbles and vick vs Knee Deep
-Cowboy hats will topple when these two good ol' boys battle it out upside down at like 4am. Loser cannot listen to country music for the day.
"Father-Son Bonding Bowl"
The Fighting 54's vs NY Finest
-This matchup will be our first conflict in twenty four years!! Loser gets a hug from the winner!!
Two weeks down men, and plenty of season left. It is too soon
to draw any definitive conclusions, but we can examine how it stands after two weeks; The two 1-1 teams are at opposite ends of the spectrum, the Bastards suffering some tough luck despite being the far and away leading scorer; John's team has a split record, despite being the penultimate squad on the power rankings. Otherwise, the scoring reads almost straight down, with the other five teams breaking the 300 mark following the Bastard's near four hundo, on the strength of an incredible recieving corps. Knee Deep has roared into first in the standings with a very good starting lineup, although a lack of depth might hurt them when the bye weeks start. The Stash have barely been challenged in their first two games, as opponents haven't even mustered 200 points, but the team's success is clearly tied directly to the health of Mike Vick. Adrian has played two nail biters, both being decided on Monday night; The team has no obvious weaknesses. The Carousel had four of it's seven offensive starters change from week one to two, and continues to spin with the matchups. The Arian Nation has gotten off to a strong start, despite the absence of it's eponymous lottery pick- due to some superb last minute sleeper pickups. The team has the depth to wait for Foster to get healthy. The AJ's have the look of a contender, despite an 0-2 start- they boast the two highest scoring QBs in the league, although they can only play one. They place just ahead of the last 2-0 team, Pacey Jones' Army who moved their backup QB to get Wes Welker, who gave them the impact WR they need. After that comes the run of teams that have yet to win a game: Kibbles defensive attrition has left them without a viable third option at WR. The Green team from Kent has an explosive group of wideouts, but it's running backs have really disappointed so far, and the team has had the misfortune of getting blasted by the most points in the league; Another healthy defensive lineman could really help. The Finest from NY really need their boy Elisha to start putting up big numbers; If he clicks, this team has huge potential, but they need to put one on the left side before they dig themselves another hole. The Box lost a tight one at the buzzer last week- they have the pieces, but neither SJax nor DeAngelo have gotten it going in the featured back role yet this season. The Fighters have been bitten hardest by the injury imp, with first round pick Jamaal already on IR, and two thirds of their WRs Dez and Colston hobbled, along with starting safety LaRon Landry, who has yet to play a game. Lev's Scorched Earth squad is in dead last, but have begun to address their injury and depth problems on defense and WR. Eleven games remain on the docket, with week three a pivotal tone setter, and as the gridlock in the standings disperses, we'll start to see teams seperate and establish themselves before bye weeks begin to test the depth and resolve of team managers... time to seperate the contenders from the pretenders. Cheers!
1. LOS BASTARDOS 398.96 (1-1)
2. Knee Deep 348.71 (2-0)
3. Santonio's Stash 328.81 (2-0)
4. Yo Adrian I Did It! 327.56 (2-0)
5. The Carousel of Doom 317.50 (2-0)
6. Arian Foster Nation 317.42 (2-0)
7. AJ of green 298.68 (0-2)
8. Pacey Jones Army 289.86 (2-0)
9. kibbles and vick 284.99 (0-2)
10. Kent Green Machine 273.50 (0-2)
11. NY Finest 271.52 (0-2)
12. My Vick in a Box 269.65 (0-2)
13. Fighting the 54's 227.34 (1-1)
14. Lev Grossman 192.38 (0-2)
(1) 7. LOS BASTARDOS 1-2-0 .333 554.56 477.05 L-1
(2) 1. The Carousel of Doom 3-0-0 1.000 515.28 379.81 W-3
(3) 2. Knee Deep 3-0-0 1.000 510.86 455.54 W-3
(4) 3. Arian Foster Nation 3-0-0 1.000 496.88 390.20 W-3
(5) 4. Yo Adrian I Did It! 3-0-0 1.000 493.58 444.04 W-3
(6) 12. A.J of green 0-3-0 .000 458.69 482.69 L-3
(7) 8. kibbles and vick 1-2-0 .333 446.07 504.53 W-1
(8) 5. Santonio's Stash 2-1-0 .667 440.28 363.90 L-1
(9) 6. Pacey Jones Army 2-1-0 .667 437.43 432.66 L-1
(10)9. My Vick in a Box 1-2-0 .333 402.53 437.56 W-1
(11)13. Kent Green Machine 0-3-0 .000 381.73 526.04 L-3
(12)14. NY Finest 0-3-0 .000 370.08 472.21 L-3
(13)10. Fighting the 54's 1-2-0 .333 348.03 451.66 L-2
(14)11. Lev Grossman 1-2-0 .333 306.76 344.87 W-1
AJ of Green vs Kent Green Machine
Both teams compete to see who can reduce the most carbon monoxide emissions. Winner smokes the bowl. Dank.
The Hockey Bowl
LOS BASTARDOS vs Pacey Jones Army
Both teams sit at 2-2 so if there is a tie, we'll remove a guy for five minutes, then just play a novelty skills game instead, eh?
The Dinner Bowl
Knee Deep vs NY Finest
A father and a son sharing a house- the loser cooks dinner for the rest of the week. The stakes are steaks.
The Offensive Bowl
My Vick in a Box vs Arian Foster Nation
An animal murderer crossed with a sexually explicit parody, and a black athlete's name perverted to cross reference a militant white power organization. Neither team may play any defense.
The Hollywood Bowl
Lev Grossman vs Yo Adrian I Did It!
Two blockbuster references in one bowl game. The loser needs to film an impersonation of their character and post it on their opponents facebook wall. I am actually demanding that this happens, for real. Tag everyone.
The Hair Bowl
kibbles and vick vs Santonio's Stash
Both of these follicle filled monikers are hedging their hair on this matchup, with the loser to shave their head. There is no way this debt is ever collected though.
This made more sense a month ago Bowl
The Carousel of Doom vs Fighting the 54's
When this was The Fighting 54's vs Fighting the 54's this seemed like a killer matchup. Now one team has a new name and the second most points and the other has the least. Could John St John hang an upset on his former classmate!?
(1)5. LOS BASTARDOS 3-2-0 .600 920.51 743.34 W-2
(2)1. Yo Adrian I Did It! 5-0-0 1.000 854.54 665.80 W-5
(3)2. The Carousel of Doom 4-1-0 .800 801.94 610.29 L-1
(4)3. Arian Foster Nation 4-1-0 .800 795.38 651.98 L-1
(5)4. Knee Deep 4-1-0 .800 738.81 707.41 W-1
(6)6. kibbles and vick 3-2-0 .600 728.22 749.44 W-3
(7)12. A.J of green 1-4-0 .200 722.72 757.01 W-1
(8)7. Santonio's Stash 2-3-0 .400 710.42 709.56 L-3
(9)8. Pacey Jones Army 2-3-0 .400 677.31 784.64 L-3
(10)9. My Vick in a Box 2-3-0 .400 653.41 718.14 W-1
(11)10. Lev Grossman 2-3-0 .400 610.47 653.55 L-1
(12)13. NY Finest 1-4-0 .200 604.40 687.70 W-1
(13)11. Fighting the 54's 2-3-0 .400 578.03 713.84 W-1
(14)14. Kent Green Machine 0-5-0 .000 563.49 806.95 L-5
- Oct 18 8:57pm: OH OH WE'RE HALFWAY THERE
(1)6. LOS BASTARDOS 3-3-0 .500 1059.63 881.74 L-1
(2)1. Yo Adrian I Did It! 6-0-0 1.000 1005.84 811.04 W-6
(3)3. The Carousel of Doom 5-1-0 .833 952.42 705.47 W-1
(4)2. Arian Foster Nation 6-0-0 1.000 936.78 787.03 W-6
(5)4. Knee Deep 5-1-0 .833 895.43 832.28 W-2
(6)12. A.J of green 1-5-0 .167 870.96 906.31 L-1
(7)5. kibbles and vick 4-2-0 .667 869.37 855.29 W-4
(8)8. Santonio's Stash 2-4-0 .333 804.60 863.04 L-4
(9)9. Pacey Jones Army 2-4-0 .333 784.16 924.79 L-4
(10)13. My Vick in a Box 1-5-0 .167 758.18 869.40 L-3
(11)10. NY Finest 2-4-0 .333 746.08 813.49 W-1
(12)11. Lev Grossman 2-4-0 .333 735.34 809.17 L-2
(13)7. Fighting the 54's 3-3-0 .500 726.29 820.68 W-2
(14)14. Kent Green Machine 0-6-0 .000 686.28 951.63 L-6
- Oct 25 8:50pm: ENTERING WEEK 8 (Over the hump power rankings)
(#1)5. LOS BASTARDOS 4-3-0 .571 1206.83 1001.09 W-1
(#2)1. Yo Adrian I Did It! 7-0-0 1.000 1151.38 916.20 W-7
(#3)2. Arian Foster Nation 7-0-0 1.000 1112.72 880.85 W-7
(#4)4. The Carousel of Doom 5-2-0 .714 1068.26 897.27 L-1
(#5)3. Knee Deep 6-1-0 .857 1053.15 919.12 W-3
(#6)8. A.J of green 2-5-0 .286 1004.52 1026.55 W-1
(#7)6. kibbles and vick 4-3-0 .571 988.14 1002.49 L-1
(#8)9. My Vick in a Box 2-5-0 .286 953.68 985.00 W-1
(#9)10. Santonio's Stash 2-5-0 .286 924.84 996.84 L-5
(#10)11. Pacey Jones Army 2-5-0 .286 871.00 1081.93 L-5
(#11)12. NY Finest 2-5-0 .286 851.24 959.03 L-1
(#12)7. Fighting the 54's 4-3-0 .571 843.95 900.19 W-3
(#13)13. Lev Grossman 2-5-0 .286 811.15 926.83 L-3
(#14)14. Kent Green Machine 0-7-0 .000 780.10 1127.57 L-7
- Nov 2 1:35pm: Week 9 is RIVALRY WEEK!
The #1 Battery maintained it's lofty perch with a big win over the upstart Boxers, despite Drew Brees' quiet day and the big points in the weekend headliner: The #2 Doers maintained perfection in a game that lived up to expectations, a high scoring shootout that went to the wire with the #3 Nation. At the end of the day, making the playoffs is the key, and barring a major injury, these are your favorites in the big dance. The #4 Carousel was doomed by it's decision to start John Beck over Colt McCoy, losing a nail biter to DeMarcus Ware and the #5 Deepness, who have a clear shot for a first round bye with week 11 circled on their calender. #6 AJ of Green has the power, but will need to run the table and hope one of the 5-3 teams takes a tumble, because it will take a total nose dive and a glass slipper to sneak in... 8-5 might be good enough, but 7-6 is unlikely. #7 Kibbles holds the two game advantage on the last spot, and will be at full strength the rest of the season- if Matt Ryan can kick it up a notch in the driver's seat, this team can assure itself a berth. #8 Boxers suffered a loss that hurts their playoff chances, but it has a chance to take down AJ Green with them this week, which would drastically undercut the drama down the rest of the way. The #9 Stash put up solid points but couldn't reverse the trend against the #10 Finest, who break into the four digits with their highest score of the season. #11 Pacey Jones Army scored less than 90 points for the second straight week, and salvation is nowhere in sight. #12 Fighting nearly kept the low octane magic working against the Kibbler, except for LeSean McCoy... they drop to 4-4 and face four of the top six scorers down the stretch. #13 Lev Grossman stinks, but is still better than #14 Kent Green Machine, but at least they got into the win column. And are still greater than Tim Tebow.
(1)4. LOS BASTARDOS 5-3-0 .625 1366.79 1119.50 W-2
(2)1. Yo Adrian I Did It! 8-0-0 1.000 1333.18 1094.50 W-8
(3)2. Arian Foster Nation 7-1-0 .875 1287.42 1062.65 L-1
(4)5. The Carousel Doom5-3-0 .625 1210.68 1041.48 L-2
(5)3. Knee Deep 7-1-0 .875 1202.36 1061.54 W-4
(6)8. A.J of green 3-5-0 .375 1187.94 1126.85 W-2
(7)6. kibbles and vick 5-3-0 .625 1112.48 1111.32 W-1
(8)10. My Vick in a Box 2-6-0 .250 1067.09 1144.96 L-1
(9)11. Santonio's Stash 2-6-0 .250 1064.05 1147.90 L-6
(10)9. NY Finest 3-5-0 .375 1006.30 1098.24 W-1
(11)12. Pacey Jones Army 2-6-0 .250 959.19 1207.01 L-6
(12)7. Fighting the 54's 4-4-0 .500 952.78 1024.53 L-1
(13)13. Lev Grossman 2-6-0 .250 911.45 1110.25 L-4
(14)14. Kent Green Machine 1-7-0 .125 905.18 1216.16 W-1
(1)6. LOS BASTARDOS 5-4-0 .556 1479.91 1290.90 L-1
(2)1. Yo Adrian I Did It! 8-1-0 .889 1460.94 1286.96 L-1
(3)2. Arian Foster Nation 8-1-0 .889 1444.32 1205.71 W-1
(4)4. The Carousel Doom6-3-0 .667 1402.14 1169.24 W-1
(5)8. A.J of green 4-5-0 .444 1331.18 1256.83 W-3
(6)3. Knee Deep 7-2-0 .778 1299.67 1179.43 L-1
(7)5. kibbles and vick 6-3-0 .667 1255.71 1235.17 W-2
(8)10. My Vick in a Box 2-7-0 .222 1194.57 1291.20 L-2
(9)11. Santonio's Stash 2-7-0 .222 1182.00 1285.46 L-7
(10)9. NY Finest 4-5-0 .444 1177.70 1211.36 W-2
(11)12. Pacey Jones Army 2-7-0 .222 1102.25 1363.91 L-7
(12)7. Fighting the 54's 5-4-0 .556 1071.67 1116.84 W-1
(13)13. Kent Green Machine 2-7-0 .222 1042.74 1334.11 W-2
(14)14. Lev Grossman 2-7-0 .222 1037.80 1255.48 L-5
(1)5. LOS BASTARDOS 6-4-0 .600 1635.72 1375.72 W-1
(2)1. Arian Foster Nation 8-2-0 .800 1585.88 1371.96 L-1
(3)2. Yo Adrian I Did It! 8-2-0 .800 1583.42 1418.46 L-2
(4)4. The Carousel of Doom 7-3-0 .700 1581.17 1333.96 W-2
(5)7. A.J of green 5-5-0 .500 1488.92 1349.61 W-4
(6)3. Knee Deep 8-2-0 .800 1429.53 1261.26 W-1
(7)6. kibbles and vick 6-4-0 .600 1420.43 1409.20 L-1
(8)13. Houston Spoiler 2-8-0 .200 1276.40 1424.06 L-3
(9)9. NY Finest 4-6-0 .400 1270.48 1369.10 L-1
(10)10. Pacey Jones Army 3-7-0 .300 1270.13 1505.95 W-1
(11)14. Santonio's Stash 2-8-0 .200 1266.82 1441.27 L-8
(12)8. Fighting the 54's 5-5-0 .500 1213.71 1281.72 L-1
(13)11. Lev Grossman 3-7-0 .300 1204.05 1397.04 W-1
(14)12. Kent Green Machine 3-7-0 .300 1169.24 1456.59 W-3
- Nov 23 2:00am: WEEK XII: POWER RANKINGS:
(1)6. TROUBLE IN RIVERCITY 6-5-0 .545 1766.58 1520.15 L-1
(2)2. The Carousel of Doom 8-3-0 .727 1727.98 1456.72 W-3
(3)*1. Yo Adrian I Did It! 9-2-0 .818 1713.57 1538.39 W-1
(4)3. Arian Foster Nation 8-3-0 .727 1708.64 1518.77 L-2
(5)7. A.J of green 6-5-0 .545 1645.53 1430.55 W-5
(6)5. kibbles and vick 7-4-0 .636 1572.95 1533.98 W-1
(7)4. Knee Deep 8-3-0 .727 1548.96 1391.41 L-1
(8)12. Houston Spoiler 3-8-0 .273 1464.60 1591.17 W-1
(9)9. NY Finest 4-7-0 .364 1437.59 1557.30 L-2
(10)10. Pacey Jones Army 4-7-0 .364 1411.23 1620.92 W-2
(11)14. Santonio's Stash 2-9-0 .182 1381.79 1582.37 L-9
(12)11. Lev Grossman 4-7-0 .364 1348.48 1527.90 W-2
(13)8. Fighting the 54's 5-6-0 .455 1294.65 1438.33 L-2
(14)13. Kent Green Machine 3-8-0 .273 1294.52 1609.11 L-1
The top tier consists of one team: The Doers. With a win against the Stash this week, Adrian's team will have the best regular season record in the three years that we have used the 14 team format. They got there on the backs of late greats like Matt Schaub and Fred Jackson, and even their namesake is hurting, but they have secured a first round bye as well as the respect of the league: Whatever happens in the playoffs, three months of shrewd managing have put Mike Verrino's team in the driver's seat, as they have shown time and time again that they will overcome and get the W.
*1.(2) Yo Adrian I Did It! 10-2-0 .833 1863.29 1687.78 W-2
The second tier consists of the 8 win teams, all of whom lost this past week. Each squad has it's main pieces in place for the stretch, and controls their own destiny- win and in. Carousel and the Nation will be dueling for the second bye- if one wins and one loses, the winner will clinch it (barring a 300 point game from Knee Deep) and have a brief respite from the pressure cooker. The Carousel has a moderate advantage in the tiebreaker (a 27 point lead) but the far stiffer caboose opponent. Both teams should be going all out to gain the week off. Knee Deep has an interesting matchup, in that a win will clinch a spot, but a loss coupled with all three of the seven win teams scoring a victory will probably make it the odd team out. It faces the Larkspur Bowl's cellar dweller, but if it takes them lightly, it could be in for the rudest awakening.
2.(3) The Carousel of Doom 8-4-0 .667 1847.66 1606.04 L-1
3.(4) Arian Foster Nation 8-4-0 .667 1820.46 1637.89 L-3
4.(7) Knee Deep 8-4-0 .667 1691.05 1535.39 L-2
Rivercity has been a victim of bad luck all year, outscoring it's opponents by a ridiculous three hundred points, and still scratching and biting for a spot in the dance. It will clinch with a win over the Carousel, or a loss by either AJ or kibbles. Both of the latter teams have defied odds- The Greens winning 7 out of 8 after a winless September; Kibbles only scoring a net gain of 33 points, the least of any of the contenders. But both have a chance in the final week to secure a spot in the playoffs, where all bets are off. Both are facing disappointed teams that have recovered to respectability lately, each with three wins in it's last five. Who wants it more?
5.(1) TROUBLE IN RIVERCITY 7-5-0 .583 1939.60 1640.59 W-1
6.(5) A.J of green 7-5-0 .583 1794.85 1550.23 W-6
7.(6) kibbles and vick 7-5-0 .583 1722.34 1688.70 L-1
Now we get to the teams that have been eliminated from contention, but will still play for the crooked championship, hoping for the #7 overall in the consolation bracket. NY Finest left a ton of points on the board this year, but has looked good lately, coming off a narrow win over a top team and looking to ruin kibbles playoff chances. The two Petes, Pacey and Lev, are both on three game winning streaks, and while it is too little too late, winning out would score an overall record of 9-7 on the year- Pacey could also play spoiler, while Lev plays the Spoilers. Fighting finally regressed, dropping three straight, but will play into the decision on the #2 slot, and has shown time and time again that they can break hearts.
8. NY Finest 5-7-0 .417 1556.71 1669.12 W-1
9. Pacey Jones Army 5-7-0 .417 1538.78 1742.09 W-3
10. Lev Grossman 5-7-0 .417 1484.94 1637.24 W-3
11. Fighting the 54's 5-7-0 .417 1415.09 1611.35 L-3
Houston was terribly unlucky this year despite a medley of expert moves, the Stash finally broke the worst losing streak in league history on the backs of all of the leagues underperformers, and Kent not only scored the least points, but it gave up the most points, a terrible tragedy of coincidence. None is truly as bad as it's three wins, but only one will have the opportunity to vindicate itself in the consolation bracket.
12. Houston Spoiler 3-9-0 .250 1585.77 1718.72 L-1
13. Santonio's Stash 3-9-0 .250 1530.77 1724.46 W-1
14. Kent Green Machine 3-9-0 .250 1403.86 1745.57 L-2
This week will be our final 'rivalry week' which may feature a score of bowl games, depending on how busy I am. Following the Monday night game, the ALL-LARKSPUR team will be announced, a roster of the leagues top 21 scorers, filling a starting lineup and five bench slots, and including at least one representative from each of the fourteen teams. Cheers!
- Dec 6 9:15pm: GETTING ON THE SHIP
-4:(1)*5. TROUBLE IN RIVERCITY 7-6-0 .538 2095.03 1803.73 L-1
+0:(2)*2.The Carousel of Doom 9-4-0 .692 2011.42 1761.47 W-1
+2:(3)*1. Yo Adrian I Did It! 10-3-0 .769 1998.05 1823.08 L-1
+1(4)*3 Arian Foster Nation 9-4-0 .692 1960.65 1751.31 W-1
-1(5)*6. The Great Sandusky 7-6-0 .538 1933.74 1692.48 L-1
-1(6)7. kibbles and vick 7-6-0 .538 1859.62 1826.38 L-2
+3(7)*4. Knee Deep 8-5-0 .615 1822.87 1691.95 L-3
-4(8)12. Houston Spoiler 4-9-0 .308 1764.04 1814.82 W-1
+1(9)8. NY Finest 6-7-0 .462 1694.39 1806.40 W-2
-1(10)9. Pacey Jones Army 6-7-0 .462 1680.03 1880.98 W-4
-2(11)13. Santonio's Stash 4-9-0 .308 1666.07 1859.22 W-2
-2(12)14. Kent Green Machine 4-9-0 .308 1560.42 1877.39 W-1
+3(13)10. Lev Grossman 5-8-0 .385 1582.04 1815.51 L-1
+3(14)11. Fighting the 54's 5-8-0 .385 1527.89 1751.54 L-4
The HOUSTON SPOILERS, who despite scoring the eighth most points, were only able to translate that into four wins and the twelve slot, a four place differential. Equally unlucky was RIVERCITY, who scored the most points but landed in the fifth slot, another four place differential. Both will have the opportunity to accelerate their final standing in the playoffs, as Houston took the final consolation seed, and can correct all the way up to seventh overall, while the Bastards still have the opportunity to claim the crown. SANTONIO'S STASH and KENT GREEN MACHINE both had a negative differential of two slots as well, albeit, remaining in the league's bottom third, but not earning consolation bids. Finally, while KIBBLES AND VICK only had a negative one slot differential, that poor luck kept them out of the playoffs, despite a winning record.
KNEE DEEP was the league's luckiest team, benefiting from a plus three differential that brought eight wins and a playoff berth. Also benefiting from good fortune were LEV GROSSMAN and FIGHTING THE 54'S, the league's worst two teams, who both finished in the consolation bracket, and three slots higher than they properly deserved. Also benefiting from good juju was the league's number one seed, YO ADRIAN I DID IT! who slotted in two places higher than their score, bringing them a playoff bye week.
The CAROUSEL OF DOOM was the only team to have no differential, scoring the second most points, and finishing in second place overall. ARIAN FOSTER NATION and NY FINEST had a little bit of luck, scoring a plus one on their bottom line. THE GREAT SANDUSKY's great rise up the standing nearly equalized their poor early luck, leaving them only at a negative one differential, with the aforementioned kibbles, and the PACEY JONES ARMY. Obviously, the luck we are talking about is what was scored- leaving points on the bench was a completely different kind of luck that is far more heartbreaking and far less exonerating. Sorry dudes!
Tomorrow I will release the ALL-LARKSPUR TEAM, the STEAL-OF-THE-DRAFT TEAM and the various award winners for the regular season. Get stoked!!
QB: Rodgers, Carousel of Doom (296.46)
WR: Welker, Yo Adrian I Did It! (185.15)
WR: C. Johnson, Knee Deep (184.20)
WR: Cruz, Kent Green Machine (155.20)
RB: McCoy, kibbles and vick (222.10)
RB: Rice, NY Finest (207.34)
TE: Gronkowski, Pacey Jones Army (181.28)
PK: Akers, The Great Sandusky (139.00)
DB: Woodson, The Great Sandusky (161.28)
DB: Webb, Lev Grossman (158.55)
DL: Pierre-Paul, Arian Foster Nation (153.00)
LB: Ware, Knee Deep (169.00)
LB: Willis, Carousel of Doom (166.50)
LB: Suggs, Santonio's Stash (160.95)
QB: Newton, Houston Spoiler (251.38)
WR: Wallace, Arian Foster Nation (152.30)
RB: Foster, Arian Foster Nation (198.60)
RB: Jones-Drew, Knee Deep (173.40)
TE: Graham, Fighting the 54's (156.65)
Players that performed at an elite level but just missed the cut:
QB Brady, WR S. Smith, WR Jennings, WR J. Nelson, WR V. Jackson, WR Harvin, RB Forte, RB F. Jackson, RB Sproles, RB Peterson, K Bailey, DB P. Peterson, DB K. Arrington, DB Tillman, DB J. McCourty, DL C. Campbell, LB D. Jackson, LB V. Miller, LB Laurinitis, LB Fletcher.
The Fighting 54's vs Arian Foster Nation"
-Two coworkers must battle it out on the gridiron, despite working at a hockey rink. Logic has no place here!!
JackAttack vs Bob Kalsu Fan Club
-The fierce competitor no one knows, versus the flake "competitor" everyone wishes they didn't know!
-A rematch of last year's championship! Man, these teams were a lot better last year!!
STR8HUSTLIN' vs Wieterville Wieter's
-Fellow St John's alumni battle it out, but it is doubtful either one of them even glance at the scoreboard!
Worlds Finest vs edwards
-The Team that takes the league most seriously, versus the team that takes the league the least seriously, if they even remember it exists. Will be renamed "THE IRONY BOWL" if there is an upset!
Lev Grossman vs The CHeeSe GraDerS
-Two guys named Pete square off! BUT ONLY ONE WILL LIVE! Well only one will live with the name Pete after this matchup. The other will be cast off and go by the name Preston. Haha, Preston, what a loser!!
The Dead Parrots vs kibbles and vick
-Two best friends must test the strength of their bond, as they are forced to be rivals on the field of battle, and one must emerge victorious, to the detriment of their closest ally.
-The Top 3 (6-1)
The Fighting 54's
- The 54's started last year 4-0, and then went 1-8 the rest of the season, as the RB Carousel of Doom spinned out of control. This year it is in full gear again, as the 54's have rostered a whopping 13 running backs so far this season. With the rest of the roster solid, the rotating runners are the key to the 54's continued success.
Kibbles and Vick
- A very balanced team, with a prolific QB and set of high scoring WRs, nd some workhorse RBs that pile up consistant, if not spectacuar point totals, Kibbles appears to be a lock for the playoffs, barring injuries; Perhaps most unsettling are the Injuries in Green Bay, and their effect on Rodger's performance.
Los Bastardos
- My preseason pick for number one, the defending champion Bastards have overcome some disappointments (VJax, Sims-Walker, Beanie) to the tune of a 6-1 record. With two elite QBs and RBs, the key point for these guys will be how they fill Dallas Clark's spot at the TE position in the second half.
-The Next 3 (4-3)
Bob Kalsu Fan Club
- The always prepared Kalsu has a deep roster, so his success likely depends on his gameday decisions, and I expect them to continue to be good ones. The wild card here is Jay Cutler, who has been sacked a whopping 27 times. If Cutler can remain upright long enough to make some good decisions, Kalsu is a contender.
- Edwards has done only minor tinkering to her roster, but it has served her team well, as she goes into the second half of the season with a winning record and playoff positioning. The emergence of Roddy and Hakeem as top 5 wideouts, along with her strong RB play, makes the team very potent- if Elisha stops throwing so many picks, this is a scary looking team in the second half.
Wieterville Wieters
- Wieterville, which is Baltimore, for those not familar with the O's young Catcher, has yet to make a move this year. With 12 of his 21 roster spots filled with Ravens, (neither of them named Ray) it hasn't hurt him so far... and after this weeks 'gimme' loss (the Wieters have only 3 players going this week) the .500 team will rise and fall with the success of Flacco's team. I don't see the Wieters making a playoff run, but they have vastly outplayed my expectations ths far.
-The Back 3 (3-4)
Knee Deep
- Formerly the Dead Parrots, Knee Deep traded for McNabb and Marshawn, and somehow turned them into Brees and SJax in a trade with his father. Currently the second highest scoring team in the league, Knee Deep's fortune may rest on his WR slots, as he typically starts no traditional wideouts, instead relying on home run potential from kick returners. I expect a strong playoff push in the second half.
Lev Grossman
- Preston's scorched earth policy has been up and down in the first half, never managing two wins in a row. Ths can be attributed directly to a complete and utter lack of a starting caliber second running back, to compliment Frank Gore. If the team can find some consistancy in that slot, they have enough top of the line players at the rest of their positions that after the bye weeks end, they can make a run... if it is not too late.
Bada Bing Howya Doin
- The so called World's Finest comes in fighting at 3 and 4 despite winning (fleecing?) several trades- gaining Marshall and Hillis for spare parts. But a multitude of health issues have kept the team from gaining ground in the standings. If they fight of the injury imp, the squad is in great position to be a force down the stretch.
-The Rest (2-5)
Arian Foster Nation
- Throught the first five weeks, the Nation suffered the worst luck in the league, seemingly catching ever team in their prime, leaving them 0-5. Since then, Vinny's luck has seemed to have turned, winning two straight. If Orton can continue passing for big yardage in the spread offense, combined with the strong running game, the Arian Nation has a good chance to blitzkrieg up the standings.
The Cheese Graders
- Antonio Gates. The player that most dominates his position (having scored 30 more points than his nearest competitor) is also the Grader's biggest asset. Moving him for a #1 WR and #1 RB and a good TE, and relying on Palmer or Favre to start putting up some big numbers may give him a chance to make a miraculous run. Otherwise Pete's best chance is to drop Victor Cruz (wtf) and Shaun Hill and shop for some depth on the waiver wire... and hope he hits gold.
- Marty's deadbeat squad (two years running!) is full of underachievers, and now that his top QB has been Big Blued, there is little hope that his boys turn it around. Hustling isn't enough in this league, and without big moves for big plays, this squad is destined to end up just like his team, the Buffalo Bills. Last place! But I still love you Marty.
NY Finest
- My pops traded his first two picks, Brees and Sjax, for McNabb, Beast Mode West, and his prized possession, Paris Lenon, the #14 overall LB to date. Before the trade his team was 0-4, and since, it has gone 2-1. A good start, but it will have to better that % to finish with a winning record and a shot at the playoffs. The emergence of Kenny Britt as a TD machine gives him an outside chance.
Jack Attack
- After starting Sammy Morris through five straight losing matchups, Wacko Jacko finally smartened up and made a few moves. The result is two straight wins, and if her team can keep that streak alive, she may make the playoffs, despite her horrendous draft. This team started with Khalil Bell as a number one pick, seven kickers, and the cutest QB in the NFL, so there was no where to go but up. And there still is.

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